
The desire to be free is of the very essence of the soul's code. In spirituality there is the desire for and experience of:

In the following poems, these freedoms are expressed about or from within the gay and lesbian experience.
-- Table Of Contents --
  Try Your Wings


try your wings

for the beautiful souls
   of all the exiles and outcasts
         that are living among us;
             for all who are straining to be free
                 but are kept locked
                     in invisible chains ...

                                  try your wings
                                    o gentle birds,
                                       and learn to fly.

           take flight
            and soar
           above the world
             that is your cage.

          take flight
          and soar
           without the masks
             that hide your faces.

          let ropes be loosed
             that bind your hearts
               and    keep you    helpless
                in your nests.

          let ropes be loosed
             that choke your voices
          and    still    the songs
            which in you sing.

          o try your wings
          my gentle birds,
           and spread your feathers
          in the sun,
              unveil your colours
          dipped in love.

          take flight
          and let your beauty flow,
             and paint your souls
                 upon the skies.

-- Ruth Mclean


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