
Why am I the way I am?

That is the question that every gay, lesbian and bisexual person asks himself or herself. Fundamentally it is a spiritual question for behind it are deeper religious questions like:

The following poems reflect a variety of experiences which are part of the struggle to embrace one's own sexual identity within oneself and before God. The "coming-out" process takes place from the beginning to the end of the journey.

Table Of Contents

Gay, Bi, Straight Or??
It's Hell
Longing To
On The Brain
One Thousand Eyes
Secret World
The Voices
Why Be So Unkind?

Why Be So Unkind?

Is there a way to solace my distress?
I'm getting old.  Who'll hire me?  Who will take
Advantage of my only gift, to bless,
To see, to simplify, to hear, to break
Illusions into myriad sparkling lights,
All fireflys, all atomic, disparate holes
In night-black, stage-dark, scrim-swept sights,
Delusions, Genet's, ballets, ritual roles,
And out of it to lead, as Lear was led,
A man or woman, human, hurting life
To get behind the screen, to where all bled
Of hatred there is neither love nor strife?
How can I lead, and yet be so behind?
My Lord, my Leader, why be so unkind?

-- Peter Oliphant 16/8/86

It's Hell

it's hell
           being bi
that's all I can tell you.

it's hell being bi
 and  married
 and you are there
 and I see you
   and feel you
   and smell you

and I am married
       and I am bi
 and you
         are there

it's hell
that's all I can tell you.

Gay, Bi, Straight Or??

I'm tired of calling people gay or straight,
As if the opposite were mournful, or
Were somehow crooked.  What these words relate
Are lonely stories told in metaphor.
Compassion calls those gay who cover needs
For hugs and consolation with veneers
Of poorly scripted plays -- their brilliant deeds
Of war against their hollow, hungry fears.
And straights are those supposed to have it all:
They know their goals and get there.  Also false!
Such dream projections flutter on a wall
Behind which real men stumble their life's waltz.
Why fantasise?  Behind was love, ahead
Invites unmasking, now before we're dead.

 -- Peter Oliphant 28/8/86

On The Brain

  why do i get
     this gay thing
      on the brain???


      with images of you
        and me

      not doing much
        just being ...

     you...who i've never really met.

       two women
       face to face.

    why does it cloud my mind
     and occupy my senses?

     i think i want my mother,
     the eternal female presence.
     this ethereal soul,
      i search for her.
      i search for God.

     i want this female spirit
      to wrap me up,
      to swallow me whole,
      to hold me for a
        long, long, time.
      to permeate my very soul.

     i call it gay
      for lack of words...
     this gay thing
       but that's not it;
     i don't know what
      it really is...

      it's warm and female
       and holds me close
     and tells me i am loved as me.

-- Naomi Redde

The Voices
   the voices
       to the question...

  nothing is a brilliant colour
   standing out
   against the background
     standing on its own.

   is black and white
   and boldly leads...

  there is only
    this question
   this journey

   this plain grey journey.

  there is only
    this journey

Longing To
     longing to touch you,
                             i am.

      the attraction ........
       your skin
       your warmth
       your smile.

     i look into your eyes
      and know ...
     longing to touch me,
       you are.

     i see myself reflected in you
       and i like it.
       i want to experience
            us,   together...

     but,   my world   my prison,
      demands a different tune.
     erected barriers remain strong,
       intact     dividing us .........

       mindless blurs amidst the fog .......

      they won't accept
       our eyes meeting,
       our souls dancing,
      my heart holding you
         in joyful abandon.

      so that ....
       longing to touch you

         i silently remain.

Secret World
  i dream about
    at night
  in my secret world
   you still want me
   you still want  me.

  no one can touch us there
  no one can spoil
                  the unfolding.

  i see you
  i am with you...
   smell the
   sweet familiar fragrance
    of your hair
   bury my face
   and breathe you in.

  i act out my fantasy
  i act out the scenes
     i miss.

  you are alive at night
  a willing partner
    in the dance
  a willing partner
    in my secret world.

  no worry       no fears
  wounds   wars    tears.

         i don't have to  hide
   or be hidden
  i don't have to camouflage
   my actions
                or desires.

  i just dream


  in my secret world.

-- Ruth Mclean

One Thousand Eyes
 why do you ask me
   i do not know.

  why do you taunt me
    i am confused.

   your questions swarm
    close to my face,
   disturbance throngs
    inside my flesh,

   my tongue is thick
   i am struck dumb.

  the hornets want to sting my eyes ...
  i try to keep the drones at bay.

    one thousand eyes
     are watching me
   watching me watching you
   waiting for you to speak
    to tell me everything.
(whatisitlike howdoesitfeel
                isitsogood isitthebest?)

     i am consumed
    i want to know your every thing.

   instead  i wait
       so carefully ......
  each word i speak
   is metered out
   scrupulously weighed pondered
    afraid ...
     afraid to give the wrong idea
     afraid to wrong
   when i don't know
               what right is ... any  more ...

  sensing  perceiving
   new darkness being born in   me
  a growing limb which reaches out
  and tries to choke my sanity

  this growing limb
   which starts to strangle ...

    one thousand eyes
     i want to leave
   the hornets sting my outer shell
   i want to hide my
       inner me

   i don't know who these voices are
    that tear me  here
    that tear me

  why do you ask me
    i do not know.

  why do you taunt me
                      i can't respond.

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