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Articles of Significance
for GLBTs who are moving
along the Inward Journey.
        The articles placed here are from other sources. Some are links to the actual articles; others are incorporated in this website with gratitude, and by the permission of the authors and/or the webmasters.

Updated October 21, 2003

Twelve Steps In The Treatment of Shame
      by Peg Earle, M.A., M.Div.
For GLBT persons shame has many faces. This article was written originally for students in a counsellor training program, and is from the perspective of the counsellor. 
Are Lesbian and Gay Roman Catholics Welcome in their Church?
        by John Montague
This academic rooted-in-experience thesis considers, with analysis and proposal, the marginalization of gays and lesbians in the Roman Catholic Church.
Finding God On The MARGIN This article explains the value of being marginalized as a source of spiritual growth for GLBT persons

Homosexuality and the Bible
       by John Shelby Spong
Scripture is not the ally Christian homophobes think it is.
Insiders and Outsiders 
       by John Veltri and others
About marginalization and disbelonging. Even though he is RC and a priest, this article is very significant for GLBTs  who feel that they are on the outside.
A series of four photo-essays to help reflect on the experience and reality of being gay.
Homosexuality -- A Faith Perspect-
ive: Integrating Gay Life and Christian Moral Teaching
       by Dick Westley, PhD 
This presentation locates the essential biblical revelation in three concepts: Presence, Newness and Inclusive love. It begins to lay a foundation for a GLBT-person's moral thinking.
Body/Soul  -- A Meditation Of The Whole Person
       by Joanne Alves
Spirituality involves our becoming aware of the Transcendent even within out own bodies. This is a meditation intended to open our awareness to the truth that we are "temples of the Holy Spirit." This means each one of us -- soul with body; with my particular racial inheritance; with my particular sexual orientation; etc.
The War Within: An Anatomy Of Lust
      A Leadership Magazine Article
An amazingly practical article on the nature of lust. We need a GLBT person to write a similar article to help us understand and deal with our lustful compulsions and to help us integrate our sexuality with our life in God. Originally written in 1982 and updated in 1987 it has even more relevance now
Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
      by John H. Campbell
As we move along the spiritual journey our images of God and of Jesus continue to change according to our personal experiences of living. This article is from Whosoever, an online magazine dedicated to the spiritual growth of GLBT Christians.
How can I be sure God loves me? and other questions about Spiritual Formation
      by Carl McColman
A contemporary spiritual writer answers this and other questions well for those who seek to live life contemplatively. The article is from Spiritual Formation Online.

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